Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CrossFit DUMBO

Often the response I get when I recall my visit to CrossFit DUMBO is "Dumbo? Like the Disney elephant, Dumbo?" This is not a reference the giant eared cartooned baby elephant that entertained all of us years and years ago. Probably the farthest thing from it. DUMBO is an acronym for an area of Brooklyn seeing a recent rebirth and revitalization. CF DUMBO is definitely contributing to the coolness of the neighborhood.

                    D= down U= under M= Manhattan B= bridge O= overpass.

One of New York city's (more specifically Brooklyn) newest and fastest growing CrossFit affiliates has been in their current location for about three months now. One word to describe the gym is "Growing" said Coach Darren. The small yet loyal CF DUMBO "herd" of 20+ members moved from a 600sq ft upper floor facility to it's new 1500+ sq ft gym, and in doing so tripled their membership in less than two months. The loyalty and dedication of his members are what Darren is most proud of,in regards to his gym.

One thing that stood out to me, when I visited, was how many people stopped outside the gym and watched the athletes push through the workout. The amount of "walk by" interest was unbelievable. Based on the casual interest, I observed, the only limiting factor in the growth of this affiliate will be how many classes Coach Darren can fit into a day.

Darren describes his programming as constantly and widely varied. One week it will be strongman with gymnastics, and the next Oly lifting and pushing a car down the street. The wod I got to experience was a sick mixture of movements done Tabata style, "Death by Tabata" (power cleans, thrusters, box jumps, and burpees.) Something cool they do at CFD is awarding rubber bracelets (think the yellow Livestrong bracelets) for achieving certain standards on specific skill sets. In other words, demonstrate competency in a series of beginner movements and you are rewarded with a silver bracelet                                        (emblazoned with CrossFit DUMBO. Join the herd), master advanced movements get a gold colored bracelet,  and so on. Kind of a cool and creative way of letting members show off their achievements. It provides that proverbial carrot for athletes to strive for. Monetarily it's nothing, but psychologically it can be huge. (Does your gym have anything similar?)

We did NOT use the Easy buttons during our wod!
It is rare that I come across anything truly original at the gyms I get to visit,but that was not the case at CFD. "Champagne Friday's".  Following the wod on Fridays you'll hear the familiar sound of a cork popping and you'll see Coach Darren pouring glasses of bubbly for any who care to join. It was awesome to see so many athletes hang out and enjoy each others company after suffering through a grueling workout. The members here definitely consider each other Family. I asked one woman is her late 50's "What do your friends think about you doing crossfit?". Her response "These are my friends. They all do  crossfit"

Champagne Fridays!

CrossFit DUMBO is an easy 20 minute taxi ride from midtown Manhattan, next time your in NYC make the trip and Join the Herd!



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